nerd geek test

Take The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test | OkCupid  【多圖】  這..這..這...實在是太好笑啦!                       本篇文章摘取自網路,如有不適當或對文章出處有疑慮,請來信與我們告知,我們Napoleon Dynamite is a dork. He is not a nerd, he is not a geek. The real question you have to ask yourself, however, is: what are you? Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Yes, friends, there is a difference, and this test will ultimately, finally and conclusively answe...

全文閱讀 The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test15種臉書最討人厭行為,你中標了嗎? 臉書儼然成了生活的一部分,誤踩地雷可會被人討厭,到時候可能被人從好友名單刪除了還不自知。有沒有想過,造成的原因有哪些?抑或你又是否曾經碰到以下的狀況?哪一種行為最讓你受不了? 1.上傳朋友的醜照 上傳朋友的醜照還加標籤,以為這樣很有趣。一時玩瘋了自己也沒注意到的Take The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test. It's free! Check out our free online dating quiz, psychology tests, IQ tests, and personality tests. ... Napoleon Dynamite is a dork. He is not a nerd, he is not a geek. The real question you have to ask yourself, howev...


Geek Test: the original test from innergeek Q:lz性別 A:男。 Q:拍著拍著會Yin​​g嗎 A:當然會呀,除非你不正常 Q:模特會給你福利嗎 A:喜歡你福利這個詞,裸模攝影就像進事業單位,錢不太多,但福利好。 Q:會讓你偷偷的插進去嗎 A:不用偷偷,好吧 Q:你老實告訴我們你猥瑣麼尤其是拍片的時候 A:佛不下地獄誰下地獄?我若不猥瑣,Geeks everywhere have taken the Original Geek Test, a comprehensive 542-point survey of how geeky you are. Possible ranks include Geekish Tendencies, Geek, Total Geek, Major Geek, Super Geek, Extreme Geek, and Geek God....

全文閱讀 Fun Tests - Computer Geek / Nerd Quiz 廉先生身穿比基尼,步行兩公里前往求婚。樟木頭龍騰花園龍威花園我長得不帥,年紀又大,還沒有錢,人家圖我什麼?所以求婚方式要求特殊點,並不過分,而且也是難忘的回憶。— 廉先生緣分的東西說不清,我就喜歡他單純和善良的心態。— 廖小姐只要孩子們喜歡,真心對待這份感情,什麼樣的形式並Discover your Computer Geekiness! Quiz Brought to you by ... Are you a Computer Geek? Welcome to the first of many nerd / geek specific test available at You have probably taken the Nerd Test available on this site, but many ....


Loser Quiz: Am I a Loser? Geek? Dork? Nerd? 還記得去年背包旅行踏進胡志明市的第一個畫面,機車、機車、還是機車,面對汽車昂貴價格和最快2017年才開通的捷運,兩輪傳動系統絕對是解決越南人交通問題首選。Xe Om,翻成計程汽車,但如果直接翻譯會變成「抱住機車」(其實是指搭乘時要抱住騎士大叔的意思),這裡的機車不只是代步工具,更是民生必需運輸大隊Are you a loser? Not all losers are the same. This quiz will test which kind of loser you are. Discover whether you're a nerd, geek, dork, or just a plain old loser. Take the loser quiz ......

全文閱讀 Fun Tests - Nerd Quiz 外媒報導,最近警察抓到一羅馬尼亞偷車賊集團, 他們把一輛偷來的寶馬X6全部拆散後裝進一輛小貨車, 在運回羅馬尼亞的路上被檢查站攔下。   該名成員: 『我們當場就拆了這台X6,花了不到16分鐘』     Take the Nerd Test to determine your Nerdiness and create your own nerdy, fun tests here! ... How NERDY are You? Have you been recently called a geek, a dork, a NERD? Do you want to be a nerd, geek, or dork? Well, this test is for you!...
