Nero 9 | Update - Nero Multimedia Software | Nero – Simply enjoy上帝能在水上行走,普通人也可以……當然是需要藉助器材了。 35歲的Chris Todd試圖在這個名叫“Tredalo”的人力水車/倉鼠輪中從威爾士出發到達都柏林的南部,橫跨愛爾蘭海,全程106公里。不幸的是他沒能完成全程,當他的旅程進行了八個半小時The Update Disc brings you the latest Nero 9 update without the download and provides a hard copy for future re-installations. Buy now US $17.99 1) 2) System Requirements Nero 9 General System Requirements Nero 9 A DVD-ROM drive is required for ......