Nero - Burning, ripping and copying - Nero BurnLite is Nero MediaHome!台北女人比較厲害一位沒讀書的鄉下阿巴桑第一次離家上台北幫傭。 一天早晨男主人出門後即進入主臥室清理房間。當時女主人還在房間,房間裡凌亂不堪。此時阿巴桑發現床上仍留著使用過的保險套,顯出非常驚訝的樣子。女主人察覺後說:「這有什麼大驚小怪的,你們鄉下人難道不做這種事嗎?」阿巴桑回道:「這種事我Burning, ripping and copying - Still the best for burning, and now it's a convenient app within Nero MediaHome. ... Burn photos, music, videos and data onto CD,DVD and now Blu-ray Disc Drag and drop files to copy iTunes playlists Copy unprotected CDs, DVD...