Never Changing Who I am; - YouTube 如果要選擇一種讓人身心放鬆的狀態,那一定是剛從廁所走出來的時候,雖然廁所是讓人紓解的地方,最好營造自然、紓壓的氛圍,但以下這幾種側種場景,讓人覺得看了壓力超大…這個小角落居然存在多種不可思議的奇景。 ▼這樣吃更夠味?  {I'm just the same as I was} Get ready for this long ass description, So yeah, I've moved up to school now in Kemptville ( 0:23 ) and I'm Honestly not to sure how we fit in here (I've been sick for the entire time and I feel......