yam 天空部落-影音分享-Justin Biber - Never Let You Go河南省一名 28 歲少婦 7 年前產子後,面部的皮膚竟逐漸鬆弛、皺紋滿布,有如八旬老婦。當地醫生初步診斷其罹患罕見的遺傳性疾病「獲得性皮膚鬆弛症」,全球僅十數病例,患者只能整形改善。 《鄭州晚報》報導,1985 年出生的胡姓女士穿著流行服飾,但下垂的眼角與嘴角及滿是皺紋的老太太面龐,與她的打扮格格不That I'll never let you go I got my favorite girl Not feeling no pain, no fear (no fear, no fear) Don't have a care in the world Why would I when you are here? (you are here, you are here) There's a moment I've been chasing And I finally caught it out on...