Never, Never, Never Give Up - Thomas and friends songs and lyrics Wiki 自認如”神農嘗百草”遇過各種失戀狀況的陳大天,新專輯化身失戀代言人高唱「一百種失戀的方法」為全天下失戀男子發聲並撫慰難過心情,自爆把妹常被打槍的他還被公司下達”不禁愛令”要多多談戀愛刺激創作靈感;而MV中陳大天則以”失戀大王”Never, Never, Never Give Up Edit Never, Never, Never Give Up is a song from the sixth season. It is also referred to as Never, Never Give Up. Lyrics Edit If you climb the highest mountain, Cross the river deep, Maybe you'll find it's never as easy As it f...