Never, Never, Never Give Up - Thomas and friends songs and lyrics Wiki 阿拉伯男模在參加沙特阿拉伯文化節活動時因為太帥被逐出國境,宗教警察稱擔心阿拉伯男模太帥會迷倒女性遊客。 阿拉伯報紙Elaph消息,這幾名男子當時在首都利雅得(Riyadh)的“沙特杰納第利亞遺產文化節”(JenadriNever, Never, Never Give Up Edit Never, Never, Never Give Up is a song from the sixth season. It is also referred to as Never, Never Give Up. Lyrics Edit If you climb the highest mountain, Cross the river deep, Maybe you'll find it's never as easy As it f...