NEVER SETTLE FOREVER - Global Provider of Innovative Graphics, Processors and Media Solutions 一次醉酒後,溫州女子阿琳(化名)讓熟識的代駕小周(化名)將自己送回家,第二天醒來卻發現自己赤身裸體躺在賓館的床上。不僅如此,小周還趁她不省人事時,拍下裸照和視頻,並勒索20萬元。 今天,溫州市甌海區人民法院公開開庭審理了阿琳被代駕敲詐勒索一案,代駕小周因犯敲詐罪(犯罪未遂)被判處有期徒刑八個月,並NEVER SETTLE FOREVER puts the power of choice in your hands. Choose the games you want most from a large selection of AMD Gaming Evolved titles. It all starts right here when you visit “Radeon Rewards. ” Redeem your code now for the games you see, or ......