Apple iPad March 2012 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news 女人眼光高,男人娶無某! 如今,社會發展迅速,男女的競爭力形成相對的落差,優秀女性平時工作繁忙,社交時間少;而優秀男性卻往往能較早確定婚戀關係。因此,優秀女性便成了婚姻場中不易企及的高地。在中國,過了適婚年齡的高收入單身女性,被稱為“剩女”。但事實上,無論在台灣或大陸,都有Editors' note: This review was updated March 18, 2012, with CNET Labs battery test results. Also, we made correction to the new iPad's screen brightness. Update October 23, 2012: The third-generation iPad reviewed here has been replaced by a fourth-genera...