MHL Consortium Announces superMHL: New Standard & New Cable To Drive 8K TV 韓劇女主角、韓國女偶像近年來一直都是許多女孩們的造型參考指標人物,最近更是吹起一股「空氣瀏海」的韓流瘋!自然且帶有空氣感的稀疏瀏海不但顯得臉小,更有一種「回春」的感覺,許多名人女星都紛紛效仿,廣受好評,讓人大讚剪瀏海比打肉毒桿菌更有效! ▼ 演員尹恩惠髮型前後對比 超夯韓劇《主君的太陽》的女主角孔When the Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) was introduced in 2010, it was created to solve a simple but none the less daunting problem: how to get power in and digital video out of cell phones and other mobile devices without requiring additional (or more...