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Facebook reveals news feed experiment to control emotions | Technology | The Guardian 日前,英國腕錶定製廠商BAMFORD WATCH DEPARTMENT 攜手設計師潮牌THE RODNIK BRAND 帶來一款限量版SNOPPY 腕錶。它以勞力士Datejust 為藍本,分為黑、銀亮色。經典的SNOPPY 形像被融入錶盤之中,時針、分針也以SNOPPY 的雙手來替代,隨著時間的Protests over secret study involving 689,000 users in which friends' postings were moved to influence moods Poll: Facebook's secret mood experiment: have you lost trust in the social network? It already knows whether you are single or dating, the first sc...


Facebook Tinkers With Users’ Emotions in News Feed Experiment, Stirring Outcry - The New York Times  To Facebook, we are all lab rats. Facebook routinely adjusts its users’ news feeds — testing out the number of ads they see or the size of photos that appear — often without their knowledge. It is all for the purpose, the company says, of creating a more ...


Video Game News Updates - The Feed at 啊,終於開學了,各位同學都在哀號苦日子的到來,準備被課業壓了又壓。不過在大陸福建工程學院就讀的學生,大概就沒有這樣的無奈怨嘆,反而很開心開學以後又能與美麗的女老師相會吧。該校有一名令學生忘掉「開學苦」的英語老師,清純的模樣在網路爆紅,被稱為「最美英語老師」。 9月2日下午,有網民在微博發貼,並上傳Admit it: you are getting tired of the same ol' vacation. How many times do you have to go on a cruise before you get sick of it all? Think of all of those people wandering around in a drunken stupor with way too much sunscreen on. Ick. Well, don't worry ...


I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here's What It Did to Me | WIRED 在網路上一直都很有名氣的臉讚正妹韓宋伊,不但從國中開始就是網友推舉的網路正妹,上了高中後還擔任《臉讚時代》和《臉讚TV》的節目主持人喔!既然都已經這麼紅了,她的部落格當然也是大家關注的焦點,只要一張照片或是一串文字就成為網友討論的主題,而眼尖的網友也發現,她最近好像也變得不太一樣了........I like everything. Or at least I did, for 48 hours. Literally everything Facebook sent my way, I liked---even if I hated it. ... I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me Jennifer Daniel There’s this great Andy Warhol quo...


FB-RSS - Export your facebook status as RSS and Atom feed G-SHOCK炫金系列錶款,於初秋耀眼登場!採用6款超人氣大錶徑系列錶款,分別於錶殼、錶盤、錶帶與LCD液晶螢幕染上三種色系的金色設計,包括GA-200GD/GA-110GD撘配閃耀金、DW-6900GD/GA-300GD撘配古銅金與GD-X6900GD/GA-100GD搭佩玫瑰金,搶攻初秋街頭時Export your Facebook status as RSS or Atom feed! First Step: Login via Facebook Connect:...


Search Engine Journal - Marketing News, Interviews and How-to Guidesadam0201批踢踢發文《清新白晰》分享出一位白嫩兇正妹~~ 照片中其中一張正妹北高雄愛河疑似夜跑引網友熱議!不少網友看到照片後腿紛紛大讚:「高雄妹超正,戀愛了!」、「這....腿也太犯規!」有細心網友表示:「最後一張好像小茉莉!」;還有網友更是忍不住直呼:「我夜跑怎都沒遇過?以後轉換來去愛河夜跑June was a busy month in the social media world! Facebook rolled out numerous updates, and Tumblr and Reddit also made news. Here are the social media updates from June ... Search Engine Journal "SEJ" is helping marketers succeed by producing best-in ......
