SNOPPY 版勞力士Datejust 腕錶改造設計,Snoopy in Fashion 將亮相
Facebook reveals news feed experiment to control emotions | Technology | The Guardian 日前,英國腕錶定製廠商BAMFORD WATCH DEPARTMENT 攜手設計師潮牌THE RODNIK BRAND 帶來一款限量版SNOPPY 腕錶。它以勞力士Datejust 為藍本,分為黑、銀亮色。經典的SNOPPY 形像被融入錶盤之中,時針、分針也以SNOPPY 的雙手來替代,隨著時間的Protests over secret study involving 689,000 users in which friends' postings were moved to influence moods Poll: Facebook's secret mood experiment: have you lost trust in the social network? It already knows whether you are single or dating, the first sc...