Sony單眼相機 - [評測] SONY NEX 20mm F2.8 餅乾鏡簡易開箱 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01不然就會發生這樣的悲劇... [前言] 我對餅乾鏡情有獨鍾,最重要是都玩微單了 既然要輕便高畫質,那麼鏡頭如果又都是很大顆的 就沒意義了 SONY最近出了一顆餅乾鏡,20mm的焦段、光圈2.8 換算過來是小廣角30mm 這個焦段我用起來就像用iPhone拍照一樣......
全文閱讀Sony單眼相機 - [評測] SONY NEX 20mm F2.8 餅乾鏡簡易開箱 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01不然就會發生這樣的悲劇... [前言] 我對餅乾鏡情有獨鍾,最重要是都玩微單了 既然要輕便高畫質,那麼鏡頭如果又都是很大顆的 就沒意義了 SONY最近出了一顆餅乾鏡,20mm的焦段、光圈2.8 換算過來是小廣角30mm 這個焦段我用起來就像用iPhone拍照一樣......
全文閱讀Sony NEX 20mm F/2.8 review - Sony alpha DSLR, SLT and NEX lens and camera reviews哈哈..你也會嗎 Full review of the Sony NEX 20mm F/2.8 lens. Tests include light fall-off, distortion, center, mid and corner sharpness, close focus performance and more. ... Bokeh looks just so-so when the aperture is wide open. It's hard to get anything out of focus wi...
全文閱讀Sony E 20mm f/2.8 review: A ‘fast’ pancake prime lens for the Sony NEX system - DxOMark最後一個方法..才是加薪的王道!! Further readings for the Sony E 20mm f/2.8 review: A ‘fast’ pancake prime lens for the Sony NEX system To provide photographers with a broader perspective about mobiles, lenses and cameras, here are links to articles, reviews, and analyses of photographic...
全文閱讀Amazon.com : Sony SEL-20F28 E-Mount 20mm F2.8 Prime Fixed Lens : Digital Slr Camera Lenses : Camera 如果有一個人形巧克力... 20mm F2.8 Prime Lens From the Manufacturer E 20mm F2.8 Wide-Angle Prime Lens Not only will the 20mm (30mm in 35mm full-frame format) focal length and F2.8 maximum aperture appeal to experienced photographers, but the outstanding resolution of this lens wi...
全文閱讀Sony E 20mm F2.8 - DxOMark by DxO - DxOMark現實跟電影是不一樣低 The $348 Sony E 20mm f/2.8 is a wide-angle prime for the Sony NEX range of hybrid still cameras and Interchangeable Lens camcorders. Its equivalent 30mm wide-angle focal length is ideal for interiors, landscapes or street photography, and a f/2.8 aperture...
全文閱讀Sony E 20mm F2.8: Digital Photography Review哈哈...有趣XD Manufacturer description: The Sony E 20mm F2.8 is a moderately wide-angle pancake prime lens for the company's NEX cameras. The moderately-fast E-mount pancake will offer a 30mm equivalent field of view and adds another compact lens option for NEX ......
全文閱讀[前言] 我對餅乾鏡情有獨鍾,最重要是都玩微單了 既然要輕便高畫質,那麼鏡頭如果又都是很大顆的 就沒意義了 SONY最近出了一顆餅乾鏡,20mm的焦段、光圈2.8 換算過來是小廣角30mm 這個焦段我用起來就像用iPhone拍照一樣......
全文閱讀Full review of the Sony NEX 20mm F/2.8 lens. Tests include light fall-off, distortion, center, mid and corner sharpness, close focus performance and more. ... Bokeh looks just so-so when the aperture is wide open. It's hard to get anything out of focus wi...
全文閱讀Further readings for the Sony E 20mm f/2.8 review: A ‘fast’ pancake prime lens for the Sony NEX system To provide photographers with a broader perspective about mobiles, lenses and cameras, here are links to articles, reviews, and analyses of photographic...
全文閱讀20mm F2.8 Prime Lens From the Manufacturer E 20mm F2.8 Wide-Angle Prime Lens Not only will the 20mm (30mm in 35mm full-frame format) focal length and F2.8 maximum aperture appeal to experienced photographers, but the outstanding resolution of this lens wi...
全文閱讀The $348 Sony E 20mm f/2.8 is a wide-angle prime for the Sony NEX range of hybrid still cameras and Interchangeable Lens camcorders. Its equivalent 30mm wide-angle focal length is ideal for interiors, landscapes or street photography, and a f/2.8 aperture...
全文閱讀Manufacturer description: The Sony E 20mm F2.8 is a moderately wide-angle pancake prime lens for the company's NEX cameras. The moderately-fast E-mount pancake will offer a 30mm equivalent field of view and adds another compact lens option for NEX ......
全文閱讀This is my second video so please excuse any mistakes i made in this video. :) I will probably make lens review video....
全文閱讀Comments about Sony 20mm f/2.8 Alpha E-mount Lens: I purchased this lens to make a slim package with my NEX-7 to allow me to carry a camera at all times. So many pictures pass without a camera available. This lens corrects my bad habit. On the other ......
全文閱讀Stylishly designed to match a NEX cameras, the SEL16F28 is an exceptionally portable and versatile lens that's perfect for both photos and video. This bright lens (16mm focal length, f/2.8 maximum aperture) offers a big, 24mm (35mm equivalent) wide angle ...
全文閱讀Well I use both the 19mm and the 30mm on my OM-D with stunning results. I think the 19mm is better than my Panasonic 20mm (far better bokeh & colors rendition), it is one of my favorite lens so far – I only wish it could be as compact as the 30mm. he 30mm...
全文閱讀【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
薩提亞模式有一條信念:人們因彼此相似而連結,因彼此差異而成長。 約翰·貝曼博士也有一段關於婚姻的觀點---很多婚姻之所以出現問題,是婚姻關係中的兩個人不能接納彼此的差異性。薩提亞模式正是幫助將家庭關係帶到一個正向的過程,試著用開放,接納的心態對待彼此的差異... 常常會有學員提出質疑:
生活中,我們總是喜歡到處求證:“我應該和他/ 她結婚嗎?”或者“我和他/ 她真的能夠也願意適時改變自己嗎?”這些問題確實迫在眉睫,但最好的答案就是先檢視一下自己,還有你的伴侶。 在檢視的過程中,有五種非常重要的品質是最為關鍵的,它們從一開始就決定著你們
情感上的親密是所有美好愛情的基石。“親密”這個詞指的是彼此完全敞開的狀態;這個詞來源於拉丁語,原意是指“內心深處”。當我們與對方分享經歷時,我們感到完整、充實,同處於一個頻率。 然而,那些我們最渴望的事物,也帶給我們最多的恐懼。在親密關係中,尤其如此。