nex 3n nex 5r

Sony單眼相機 - 女生的微單眼選擇~NEX 5R,NEX 3N or GF6 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01鯨象???fundme wrote: 推NEX-5R E1...(恕刪) 謝謝您的意見~ 不過因為我對鏡頭和微單相機不太了解 所以想請問您 這顆鏡頭SEL20F28和原本搭配的16-50mm變焦鏡主要有甚麼差別呢? 另外 這樣來說5R和3N主要就是差對焦速度囉?...


Sony單眼相機 - 螢幕翻轉只為自拍而生 Sony NEX-3N - 相機討論區 - Mobile01拉不到~~~NEX 3N機身上的變焦桿速度大約跟鏡頭上的撥桿速度差不多,但如果你是想要快的話,建議還是轉動變焦環吧~反應即時而且速度也快得多。 小編使用3N的一個星期中,發現時常會用到這個功能,因為有許多時候我是必須要單手操作相機的,特別是跟 ......

全文閱讀 Wasabi Power Battery (2-Pack) and Charger for Sony NP-FW50 and Sony Alpha 7, a7, Alpha 7你!! 敢玩嗎?「無敵死亡單車」The Wasabi Power battery and charger kit includes 2 batteries and one charger with a European plug and car adapter. All items meet or exceed OEM standards and come with a 3-year manufacturer warranty. Batteries replace: Sony NP-FW50 Charger replaces: Sony...


Sony NEX-3N vs NEX-5N - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort拖把動起來   Snapsort compares the Sony NEX-3N vs the Sony NEX-5N to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: screen resolution, touch screen, overall image quality, external ......


Sony NEX-3N 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - DCFever.com明星年少和現在大對比,歲月不饒人      經常同小朋友影生活相,用DSLR影,經常帶住一袋架生都幾係野;用傻瓜DC影,速度慢,相片質素又唔多滿意,所以取其中間,買部換鏡DC試下。買機時,喺Sony shop度試咗好耐,比較NEX-3N同NEX-5R,當然NEX-5R功能上豐富得多,但最後都揀咗NEX-3N;平$ ......

全文閱讀 : Fotodiox Pro Lens Mount Adapter, B4 (2/3") Lens to Sony NEX (E-Mount) Camera Body, for 哈利波特最後的秘密This B4 adapter version is a simple mechanical adapter that lets a B4 2/3" lens mount onto a Sony E-Mount NEX camera. There are no corrective optics built-in, so depending on the lens you attach, you may see vignetting. This adapter gives you the ability ...
