Amazon.com : Sony NEX-3NL/B Mirrorless Digital Camera Kit (Black) : Compact System Digital Cameras :有一個年輕的媽媽帶著才幾個月大的兒子去看醫生 媽媽:醫生,我的兒子生病,連牛奶都不喝,怎麼辦啊? 醫生:妳餵的牛奶一定要泡淡喔! 年輕的媽媽:泡「蛋」?那…..那是要泡生雞蛋、滷蛋還是茶葉蛋?是要整顆?還是 只要蛋黃就好? 醫生:我是說水量一樣,但是奶粉減半啦!從前,農家裡都會養牛,牛You get incredible detail and gorgeous enlargements. Thanks to the large 16.1 megapixel APS-C sensor size and Sony Exmor APS HD CMOS technology, the camera achieves high resolution with no penalty in low-light sensitivity or sensor noise. Use this compari...