2014 Timberland 春夏戶外單品新系列
Firmware updates for Alpha 77, Alpha 65, NEX-7, NEX-5R, NEX-6 2014春夏Timberland開啟一場瀟灑旅程,遠離塵囂來趟公路旅行或河畔漫遊,最有型又兼具實用功能的裝備都能滿足需求,全新男女服飾鞋款兼具風格與實用性,提供百變時尚穿搭性、輕量化機能性與道地戶外風設計,以明亮活潑的色彩迎接大自然與盛夏,精心製造的材質更保有一整季的時尚風潮,讓你以獨具風格又充滿Sony has released internationally valid firmware updates for both the Alpha 77, Alpha 65 and NEX-7. Both updates have similarities, mainly adding a menu item to lock the Movie button and prevent accidental video takes. This is more important than it might...