Who are the worst people to sit next to on a plane?一塊磨砂玻璃的後方, 一個小女孩透過透明縫隙, 好奇地張望外面的世界。 眼睛、嘴巴、神情…… 無一不透出對這個世界的渴望。 正是這塊磨砂玻璃, 讓女孩和世界之間產生了疏離。 一個奇妙的瞬間, 仿佛隱喻了每一個個體, 在現代城市裡的處境。 &nbThis goateed hulk, bursting out of a leather waistcoat cranks his MP3 player full-blast, sharing the noise generated by some brutal death-metal band like Severe Torture or Extreme Noise Terror. Chords swell and crash like the waves on rocks. Instead of as...