男生就該留短髮?25 張髮型範本給你「男生就該綁包頭」的正當理由
Microsoft codename 'Threshold': The next major Windows wave takes shape | ZDNet 「綁馬尾不是專屬於女生的權力嗎?曾幾何時路上的男生們紛紛也開始將頭髮留長、綁搓小馬尾與包頭了?」若你抱持著以上想法看待街上綁著小馬尾或包頭的男性路人,相信以下這些照片將完全扭轉你看待綁包頭男生的想法! ▼有著迷人陽光笑容的傑克吉倫哈爾 Jake Gyllenhaal ▼有人會When I blogged recently about Microsoft's plans on the operating-systems front following Windows 8.1, I mentioned a couple of "spring 2015" releases. It turns out the Microsoft codename for that wave of deliverables is "Threshold." A couple of my contacts...