日本80年代少女偶像團體 絕對顛覆你的想像
iPad Air vs Nexus 7 vs iPad Mini vs iPad 4 Speed Test (Geekbench 3 Benchmark) - YouTube 有日本網友在討論他們80年代的偶像團體 キムタク、森、稲垣はいいけど他3人が酷すぎんよー(木村拓哉、森、稻垣還好,其他3人真是糟糕啊) AKBの初期も似たようなもんやろ(和AKB初期的有點像啊) Welcome to my iPad Air speed test / comparison. This video displays the results of a standard Geekbench 3 test on these various devices. The results are listed at the end of the video as well as in the lower portion of the video description. Final scores ...