Nexus 8 release date, news, specs, rumours and price - News - Trusted Reviews ( Sourse: dcard) 近日dcard網友分享她的愛情觀,她認為男友是男朋友,不是工具人,不要覺得利用男朋友是理所當然,女友也要體諒男朋友,替男朋友想想。不需要男朋友騎車接送,她自己有車可以自己騎,女網友的自省無敵中肯被網友讚爆! 原文如下: ( Sourse: dcard),With more and more speculation that Google will launch an 8-inch tablet, the Nexus 8, soon we attempt to make sense of the rumours and questions. What could the the Nexus 8 could look like and where it will sit in Google's Nexus range? We'll update this a...