魚茶妹開3K卻肯鬆口給半價 服務縮水..但「我可以」
How to read a contactless credit card such as Visa paywave or MasterCard paypass | NFC Development &通過line做援交的妹越來越多~越來越多~越來越多~越來越多~就是因為太多了,最近不知道是不是生意不太好,競爭太激烈,連援交都可以給優惠!最近一位網友稱,援交妹本來開價3000,卻偏偏連還價1500塊的價錢也接單生意?網友從中悟出了神理:天下真的沒有免費的午餐!一分價錢買一分貨!不過也是有賺到啦!!Here is a quick trace of a paypass card, which was read with a contactless reader according to the specifications above. We cannot provide the source in order to avoid legal interferences with the credit card companies There is a python Script that allows...