她曝光了99 女生都會做的羞羞事,畫面不可描述,卻戳中妹紙們的心!
iPhone 5: Why no NFC? | Computerworld - IT news, careers, business technology, reviews | Computerwor 她叫Sally Nixon, 來自美國小岩城,是一名插畫師。 她用一支畫筆,把女生最真實卻又最不可思議的日常生活畫了出來。 她筆下的女孩, 沒有完美的身材,只有最隨性的自我。 為了多睡幾分鐘, 邊刷牙,邊洗澡 多線操作,Apple didn't include near field communication technology in the iPhone 5, a decision that one NFC backer said the company might come to regret. But several mobile payment experts said Apple probably made a good choice for now, given the slow rollout of NF...