Sony's next PSP, codenamed NGP - Engadget 太好笑了拉XD 原po別傷心,現在科技很發達 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 還是有辦法變大的 Q_Q 小編也需要看一下大胸部科... -------------------------- Dcard原文 我家的閃光很愛跟我聊未來結婚的事像是幾年後結婚、什麼時候生小孩、結婚後的工作、存錢、或Betcha didn't think this day would come, but it finally has. Sony has just come clean with its next-generation PlayStation Portable. It's actually codenamed NGP and will revolve around five key concepts: Revolutionary User Interface, Social Connectivity, ...