First Molecular Cytogenetic High Resolution Characterization of the NIH 3T3 Cell Line by Murine Mult 小華特別喜歡鸚鵡,有一天去溜鳥店,發現一隻鸚鵡賣三萬元 他很好奇,於是就問老闆:「你的鸚鵡怎麼這麼貴?」老闆:「我這隻鸚鵡很聰明!什麼都會說。」小華一聽這麼聰明就很新買下它,晚上回到家,他特別高興,就開始逗弄這隻鸚鵡小華:「我會走。」鸚鵡:「我會走。」小華:「我會跑。」 Since being established in 1963, the murine fibroblast cell line NIH 3T3 has been used in thousands of studies. NIH 3T3 immortalized spontaneously and became tetraploid shortly after its establishment. Here we report the first molecular cytogenetic charac...