印度岩蟒整吞藍牛羚 場面血腥宛如「狂蟒之災」
Nike Air Force 1 High - SneakerNews.com - Sneaker News - Jordans, release dates & more. 【環球網綜合報導】據英國《每日郵報》7月24日報導,日前,一條巨大的印度岩蟒整個吞下一隻藍牛羚的血腥場面被攝像機捕捉到,畫面極其血腥。 在印度古吉拉特邦一個小村莊,印度動物救援人員拍攝到一組令人驚詫的照片:一隻印度岩蟒正在享用它的大餐&mdaBrowsing the "Nike Air Force 1 High" Tag NIKE AIR FORCE 1 HIGH The Nike Air Force 1 High is the highest hitting version of Bruce Kilgore's classic 1982 basketball design. The sneaker has long since occupied the retro realm, being readily available under t...