Karolina Kurkova
Nike.com Size Fit Guide - Kids' Shoes - NIKE, Inc.— Inspiration and Innovation for Every Athlete in 生日:1984/02/28 (嗚哇差一點就要四年過一次生日了) 身高:180cm 其他:金髮、綠眼 雖然model們走伸展台的時候大多不苟言笑 (呃...Victoria's Secret那個不算) 可是我個人真的很喜歡那種笑起來很燦爛很陽光的model 老實講我一開始注意到KK是因為她Wear the type of socks you'll wear with your shoes and measure feet in the afternoon (feet typically swell during the day). Distribute weight evenly before measuring. ... Stand up straight on a hard surface with your heel against the wall and a piece of b...