< Samsung GALAXY S5 攝影效果驚豔!捕捉生活中稍縱即逝的精采瞬間! >
Nike Kobe 9 Elite - SneakerNews.com - Sneaker News - Jordans, release dates & more. 尋找拍照素材的年輕攝影師日前漫步在城市之間,看能否激發創意靈感,拍攝出新的作品元素,也順便試試 Samsung GALAXY S5 的強大拍照功能!看出他蓄鬍下搭配乾淨簡潔的衣著,如此視覺對比呈現也間接跟 GALAXY S5 簡單俐落的外型有著衝突之美。 帶著恣意隨性的心情走到With the LeBron Soldier series and later with the LeBron 7 PS and LeBron 8 PS, Nike Basketball’s concept of the “postseason” sneaker has been in effect for quite a ... The Nike Kobe 9 Elite “BHM” will release on Monday, January 19th at Nike.com and other ...