Nike Air Max 1 - SneakerNews.com - Sneaker News - Jordans, release dates & more.國三時,我有一個坐我斜前方的同學,一直自稱自己反應速度很快,如同蟑螂逃命般的快。的確,他是運動全能型,打籃球時,常常靠他的爆發力跟反應速度,搧了不少火鍋跟抄了不少球,不過這不是重點。有時候東西不小心從桌上揮下來,他也可以很快的接住,然後跟我炫燿他的反應速度,然後自稱從沒有讓東西掉到地上過。他的座位的Browsing the "Nike Air Max 1" Tag NIKE AIR MAX 1 The Nike Air Max 1 was Tinker Hatfield's first Nike Air Max design. It is the first sneaker to feature visible Max Air and debuted in 1987. It is considered by many to be one of the greatest sneakers in his...