Nike WMNS Air Max 1 SP “Liquid Silver” 作者:三分鐘熱度 三分鐘熱度部落格主的老婆,曾經在《人生,永遠需要一個理由》書中寫過一篇〈不要當家庭主婦的理由〉得到主婦朋友的廣大迴響。三分鐘熱度先生說:「看這篇文章,好像她受了很大的委屈。親友看到之後,有人覺得我是個爛老公,或是以為我在家當大爺,真的有人伺候我,我想一切都是誤會,其實她的故事只講Nike Sportswear is releasing the “Liquid Metal” Pack at the moment with women’s sizes of the Air Max 1. After dropping the Air Max 1 in glossed out liquid gold, Nike is releasing the silhouette in liquid silver, T-1000 style. The detailing includes the th...