韓國妹子平時包緊緊,一碰水就「大長輩圓形畢露」 頂級白饅頭一秒讓網友暴動:想帶回家
Nike Zoom Hyperfuse 2012 Performance Test - YouTube ▲平常包緊緊的正妹(source: 卡提諾論壇,以下同) 本文授權自卡提諾論壇,請勿抄襲 原文標題:[原創] 平常包緊緊一碰水就現出大長輩原型!脾氣實在太兇狠好想外帶回家:我天菜在這裡 最喜歡這種討人喜歡的臉蛋與身材啦~~~更不用說박매력真的顏值高脾氣又壞可惜死會了QQToday, we will be bringing you the Nike Zoom Hyperfuse 2012 Performance Test! There is some nice on court footage as well as a final conclusion at the end of the video. Hope you enjoy! http://www.KicksOnCourt.com ^For all your performance needs, make sure...