
Nike+倫敦一名27歲的工程師Alex Bygrave,花費了50個小時,首次設計並製造出全球第一支“加特林式” 轉管水槍。該水槍價值1250英鎊(約合13240人民幣),射程達到40英尺(超出12米)遠、可容納10公升水,被認為是全世界最為複雜的水槍。  Find a Better Route Nike+ helps you find new places to run, offering games, rewards and other ways to help you test your limits - and have fun doing it. Describe Your Day Describe how you felt, the weather, the terrain, the specific route you took. Even a...


Apple - Run or work out with Nike + iPod. 1、用手插入米缸的米里面插來插去  2、地下有階磚時,特意隔一格一格來走(不可走過界,要完全在格內)  3、用鏡面反射陽光,照來照去  4、鋪張紙在硬幣上面,然後用鉛筆在上面描,描個形出來  5、吃完糖果之後,將糖紙包回原本四四方方的形狀出來  6Apple Store Mac iPod iPhone iPad iTunes Support Search Rock and Run Stay in Sync Buy Nike + iPod Sport Kit now Hear how you run. With Nike+ running shoes and a Nike + iPod Sport Kit or Sensor, your iPod nano, iPod touch, or iPhone 3GS or later will ......


Nike+ - 相關圖片搜尋結果講到警告標誌,一般都會馬上想到中間有個驚嘆號的三角形圖樣吧,為了提醒用路人注意,警告標誌都會運用醒目的紅、黃、黑、白等色。另外有些較特定、較細節的警告標誌,比如說"禁止餵食"、"禁止玩水"等等,則會在警告標誌畫上禁制行為的示意圖。警告標誌給人一種嚴肅的感覺,但也並不總是如此,像下面這系列警告標誌,絕...


Nike Running. (TW) 在今年7月1日,加拿大即將迎來建國147週年紀念,當地啤酒品牌Molson Canadian為揮灑民眾的愛國熱情,打造了一個特別的啤酒冰箱。你需要對準冰箱,演唱一整首加拿大國歌“O,Canada”,才可解鎖開啟。當然,冰箱裡的免費啤酒將是最好的獎勵。 在今年索契冬奧會的時候造訪,瞭解 Nike Running 的最新動態。深入瞭解最新產品、最新消息和更多資訊。與我們線上連繫 > ... Create one account to manage everything you do with Nike, from your shopping preferences to your Nike+ activity. You’ll enjoy personal services and ......
