Nike+ 突然想起有人說:「相處是學習,分手是勇氣, 愛或不愛都不要失去了自己。」 但我說:「相處不易,相愛也需要勇氣,沒有永遠的愛情! 只有不悔的決定,相信了自己就別放棄。」 有時想起,很多人因為沒有勇氣,所以放棄、所以失去,總是這樣得到了又失去。 我不知道也不懂Find a Better Route Nike+ helps you find new places to run, offering games, rewards and other ways to help you test your limits - and have fun doing it. Describe Your Day Describe how you felt, the weather, the terrain, the specific route you took. Even a...