Amazon.com : Nikon D90 12.3MP DX-Format CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S VR 小魯從小就喜歡玩手槍(玩具!!)...家裡幾乎沒有什麼毛絨玩具,像是衝鋒槍,手槍,水槍倒是塞滿整個玩具箱...但結果都 不是破的破就是不見的不見了...這種東西很難修補,所以每破一把我都蠻傷心的...ptt上的一位網友sugar8,外甥家的大熊玩偶破了..這個是可以修補的呀!果然..阿姨出馬...We described the D80 as a photographer's camera and, despite the addition of video, the D90 appears to share that same ethos. On a purely specification level, it's a highly competitive piece of kit, but it's the way the features have been chosen and put t...