Nikon | Imaging Products | Product Archive - COOLPIX S100 你跟也有一個神經質、容易被嚇到的男/女朋友嗎?Georgeson 的女友在生活中非常容易受到驚嚇,也因為如此,他決定把女友Adrienne Airhart的「經典」時刻放上網路,不管是在路上突襲、刷牙、超市採購、做運動,甚至是睡覺的時候,Georgeson都要嚇她一跳!直到Adrienne AirBack illuminated CMOS image sensor is strong in the dark The COOLPIX S100 adopts a 16.0 megapixel CMOS image sensor featuring a back illuminated structure that increases the amount of light received by each pixel, while also performing quickly enough to ....