二姨駕到 BMW 3 Series Touring
COOLPIX S3000 from Nikon●台灣首波導入 ●更大的行李廂空間 ●分離式後擋風玻璃健在 ●六種動力單元 ●旅行車就是帥 對於我們這種現任的3 Series Touring車主,或是熱愛旅行風的消費者而言,看到全新G20的3 Series推出,心中唯一的想法就是Touring什麼時候會發表,經過半年多的等待,全新第六代、代號Behind every Nikon COOLPIX camera is the fundamental idea that photography should bring you joy. Stylish, compact and easy to use, you'll capture every precious moment ... Nikon 1 combines the creative freedom of a small, sleek camera and the superior ......