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Nikon D300s vs. D300 兩代旗艦機皇大 PK! - 相機新聞 | ePrice 比價王再看一集就好...再看一集就好... 第一組:色卡的灰色塊及毛髮的表現(NR:關閉),左:D300s,右:D300 ISO 100 ISO 200 ISO 400 ISO 800 ISO 1600 ISO 3200 ISO 6400...
全文閱讀Nikon D300s vs. D300 兩代旗艦機皇大 PK! - 相機新聞 | ePrice 比價王再看一集就好...再看一集就好... 第一組:色卡的灰色塊及毛髮的表現(NR:關閉),左:D300s,右:D300 ISO 100 ISO 200 ISO 400 ISO 800 ISO 1600 ISO 3200 ISO 6400...
全文閱讀Nikon D700 vs D300s - Photography Life哈哈...怎麼感覺都不好聽咧?? Many of our readers request detailed information on the difference between the Nikon D700 and Nikon D300/D300s DSLR cameras. ... it would seem that for your landscape work, the higher pixel density (increased resolution) vs higher ISO would be better? Hav...
全文閱讀Nikon D300s vs. D300 新舊旗艦機王對決 - 攝影新聞 - Nikon 討論區 - ePrice.HK哈哈哈 主題:Nikon D300s vs. D300 新舊旗艦機王對決 ePrice HK alex 帳號:alexchow 發文:2899 經驗:9977 發表時間:2009-10-05 16:22 ... 第四組:夜間各感光度實拍,從左至右為:D300s Jpeg, D300 Jpg, D300s Raw, D300 Raw ISO 100 ISO 200 ISO 400 從 ......
全文閱讀Canon 7D vs Nikon D300s ISO Test - Photography Bay – Digital Camera News, Reviews and Tips耍笨了... Nikon D300s vs. Canon 7D ISO 100 Nikon D300s ISO 100 Sample Canon 7D ISO 100 Sample Nikon D300s vs. Canon 7D ISO 200 Nikon D300s ......
全文閱讀Nikon D300 vs D300S - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort哈哈... D90 and D300 is two different class, D300 for professionals , has all the features on a single button press. Such as white balance , ISO, Focus system change and metering change. D90 also you can do those changes using electronic menu not by a button. Wha...
全文閱讀第一組:色卡的灰色塊及毛髮的表現(NR:關閉),左:D300s,右:D300 ISO 100 ISO 200 ISO 400 ISO 800 ISO 1600 ISO 3200 ISO 6400...
全文閱讀Many of our readers request detailed information on the difference between the Nikon D700 and Nikon D300/D300s DSLR cameras. ... it would seem that for your landscape work, the higher pixel density (increased resolution) vs higher ISO would be better? Hav...
全文閱讀主題:Nikon D300s vs. D300 新舊旗艦機王對決 ePrice HK alex 帳號:alexchow 發文:2899 經驗:9977 發表時間:2009-10-05 16:22 ... 第四組:夜間各感光度實拍,從左至右為:D300s Jpeg, D300 Jpg, D300s Raw, D300 Raw ISO 100 ISO 200 ISO 400 從 ......
全文閱讀Nikon D300s vs. Canon 7D ISO 100 Nikon D300s ISO 100 Sample Canon 7D ISO 100 Sample Nikon D300s vs. Canon 7D ISO 200 Nikon D300s ......
全文閱讀D90 and D300 is two different class, D300 for professionals , has all the features on a single button press. Such as white balance , ISO, Focus system change and metering change. D90 also you can do those changes using electronic menu not by a button. Wha...
全文閱讀at the moment other then d3, d3s, d700 all Nikon cameras are same. because the only thing for me is how much light one sensor can capture. crop sensor takes half the light of a full frame. ISO is the quality of one sensor to work without introducing noise...
全文閱讀A better comparison to D300 is the D90 which had essentially the same IQ but a 1/2-1 stop more DR than the D300 at base ISO, which might be important to landscape shooters. Reply 15) atif peshimam ......
全文閱讀D300s F2, 1/30, ISO 3200 D300s F2, 1/50, ISO 5000 D300s F2, 1/60, ISO 6400 D300sF2, 1/30, ISO 3200 D300sF2, 1/50, ISO 6400 D300sF2, 1/30, ISO 3200 D300sF2, 1/25, ISO 2000 D300sF2, 1/25, ISO 1600 D300sF1.4, 1/160, ISO 3200 D300sF1.4, 1/320, ISO ......
全文閱讀Review based on a production Nikon D300S The Nikon D300 made quite an impact when it was first launched ... Nikon D300S vs. D300 feature and specification differences 720p / 24 fps HD video recording External stereo sound input Basic in-camera movie ......
【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
My love!我真的不是故意失約的啦...
那些年,我們一起當過的小屁孩... 你也是一樣嗎?XD
這幾天,不少人都在傳總統候選人的年少照. 我摸著下巴 ,甚為感慨, 於是我加了點手腳