nikon d3000 d90

Nikon D90 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 嗯~我很確定這個就是肯德基!The Nikon D90 is a 12.3 megapixel digital single-lens reflex camera model announced by Nikon on August 27, 2008. It is a prosumer model that replaces the Nikon D80, fitting between the company's entry-level and professional DSLR models. Nikon gives the D9...


尼康D90 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 剛剛去跑趴,還來不記卸妝啦!尼康D90是一款由日本相機製造廠尼康生產的數位單眼相機,於2008年8月27日發布,並預定當年9月開始銷售,計劃取代原本的進階業餘機種D80。...


Nikon D3000 - Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur 做壞事,還是需要有"人"把風的!!Finder Small, light pentamirror. Same as the D40. 95% coverage. 0.45x magnification with standard (for DX) 28mm lens. (0.8x with 50mm tele lens). 18mm eye relief (eyepoint).-1.7 to +0.5 diopters. On-demand grid lines, much better than needing to replace a...


Nikon | Imaging Products | Nikon D90 如果我走路經過這裡應該會很害羞吧!This is Nikon Imaging Website. ... Digitutor is a Nikon website featuring various information that includes basic knowledge, useful techniques, and tips on taking good photos with ......


【開箱】更輕巧的入門級單眼 Nikon D3000 Kit 現身‧輕裝拍攝的好組合 (第1頁) - Nikon單眼相機 - Mobile01 火系神奇寶貝!?吉姆林 wrote: Nikon對品牌線的定義非常明確,通常型號中含的阿拉伯數字越短,代表機身等級越高,目前Nikon當家的旗艦機種D3X就是很明顯的例子;而數字越長則反之.....(恕刪) 機身的阿拉伯數字越短,代表機身等級越高....所以D700是比D80,D90低階的 ......
