Nikon released firmware updates for the Nikon D300, D300s, D700 and P7700 cameras | Nikon Rumors話說,韓國有一檔叫做Mars People X File(火星人X檔案)的綜藝節目, 這個節目專門請來各種奇葩的人士在節目裡現身說法,而這些人作出的舉動,往往讓人出乎意料,甚至三觀震碎... 比如他們曾經報道過十幾年不洗澡的人,幾年不卸妝的人,或者整容幾十次的人等等。 &As with the D3s firmware, Nikon UK favoured me with an e-mail assuring me that “This firmware update makes various changes to improve the operation of your camera.”, but when I go to download, I’m told only that it adds support for the 800mm which costs m...