Nikon D400 | Information and news about the Nikon D400 DX Digital SLR Camera 近期,古巨基借助“歌手3”成功翻紅,呆萌形象深入人心。而古巨基和趙薇微博互動更是令不少粉絲欣喜,想到他們昔日合作的《情深深雨濛濛》。不僅是主角們都爆紅,連“傅文佩”、“雪姨”這樣的配角都因為出色的演繹成為大眾關注的話題。今日,Rumors of the Nikon D400 are heating up. The next wave of Nikon camera announcements should come in late August or early September 2013, and the D400 is a possibility. It is highly likely we will see another refresh of the Nikon 1 and some new Coolpix thi...