[特別企劃] 【Subaru XV GT】 素人亂入試車之旅
Nikon D400 | Information and news about the Nikon D400 DX Digital SLR Camera我們都知道,SUBARU XV所蘊含的Boxer水平對臥引擎、SAWD對稱式全時四輪驅動系統、SGP全球模組化底盤、Eyesight智能駕駛安全輔助系統等基因,讓這款新型態多功能潮旅擁有獨樹一格且無與倫比的強悍實力,而全新加添GT EDITION專屬時尚運動化套件,以及全新搭載360度環景影像系統,Rumors of the Nikon D400 are heating up. The next wave of Nikon camera announcements should come in late August or early September 2013, and the D400 is a possibility. It is highly likely we will see another refresh of the Nikon 1 and some new Coolpix thi...