Nikon | News | Nikon announces the development of new firmware for its Nikon D4S, Nikon D810, and Ni紐約時裝週是時尚界的年度盛事,時裝週期間更是會有來自世界各地的潮男朝女聚集在紐約街頭。美國知名脫口秀節目 Jimmy Kimmel Show 因為看不慣這種所謂的時尚文化,便在紐約街頭做實驗,隨便捏造出一個知名設計師或品牌來詢問這些潮人的看法,結果潮人們各個說得天花亂墜、頭頭是道der。 Recording command function for HDMI output to an external video recorder Nikon announces the development of new firmware for its Nikon D4S, Nikon D810, and Nikon D750 ... TOKYO - Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce that it is developing new firmware ...