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Nikon D40 Review: Digital Photography Review 話說,很多學校由於沉重的學習壓力,學習氛圍都很壓抑,在這些學校里上課,很多學生都感覺不到快樂...   然而,同時也有另外一些學校 ,為了讓學生們有一個輕鬆的求學環境,一直在用創意設計改變着原本的嚴肅的學校...   一幫歪果網友最近就把自己學校做過的一些創意爆表的設計po了上Review based on a production Nikon D40 The Nikon D40 is an all new affordable, compact, point-and-shoot digital SLR from Nikon, it follows on from the D50 but at a significantly lower price point and with a subtly different feature set. The biggest news h...


Discussion Forums @ Nikonians - Nikon D60/D50/D40 (Public) 話說,很多姑娘可能都試過在社交網絡上遇到過一些心懷不軌的渣渣,他們因為你好看的自拍照就私信搭訕,甚至會發一些露骨的內容來騷擾你……   英國卡迪夫一個名叫Tara Natasha的妹子最近就遇到了這樣一個色狼。   不久前她深夜收到了一個snapchnikonians Even though we ARE Nikon lovers,we are NOT affiliated with Nikon Corp. in any way....


Using a 4Gb SD card with the Nikon D50 - Camera Hacker ▲其實很多男人都會做這些事啊!(source: 左:Shutterstock / 右:Waterpik)   大家好我是云編~ 如果你生為男性,最害怕聽到人家說的一句話可能就是「你這樣很娘欸!」很娘、不夠MAN在父權社會中好像變成一件很糟糕的事,但事實上,是誰規定男人一定要做某Using a 4Gb SD card with the Nikon D50 Does anyone know a way to format a 4Gb (Sandisk Ultra 2) SD card to work in a Nikon D50? It's too big for the camera and won't recognise it. I read somewhere that it can be done using a card reader and a computer but...


Nikon DSLR Cameras | Shop Digital Camera & Accessories    在這個世界上,有很多危險致命的地方 可能是年久失修的吊橋、 歷史悠久的山徑、難以抵達的顛峰, 光看圖片,寶寶已嚇尿! 但那些熱愛冒險、挑戰自己腎上腺素的人, 願意冒著生命安全去到那些險境!   只想知道它是怎樣下來的,現實版《速度與激情》的即視感!▼  Cameras, camera reviews, product information and specifications from Nikon. Choose the right photography camera for you. ... If you’re shooting into the sun and are getting lens flare, a quick way to get rid of it is to ask a friend to place their hand ab...


Nikon D50 Digital SLR Camera Kit Black includes AF-S: Camera & Photo話說,這個月初有個FB網友發了這麼一個帖子…   「事情是這樣的,今天在二手商店goodwill看到一個壯漢。 他的脖子上手臂上都是紋身,後腦勺也有一個手掌那麼大的紋身。他的胸牌寫着:懲罰者。 一副黑社會一般的打扮,整個人散發着「別惹我」三個大字.. 然而,就是這麼一個硬邦邦Features: 6.1 effective megapixel Nikon DX format CCD image sensor Compact, lightweight and easy to use 7 digital Vari-Programs Incredible battery performance with the EN-EL3 rechargeable battery Large, 2 LCD High-performance digital processing 5-area aut...

全文閱讀 : AmazonBasics Wireless Remote Control for Nikon D3000, Nikon P7000, D40, D40x, D50, D500 話說,在線購物簡直是互聯網功能里最偉大的部分之一。。。 尤其因為有了在線拍賣這個東西,你能在網上看到的東西,永遠比你剁手的範圍還大出好幾個銀河系。 比如去年腐國前首相卡梅倫被爆出逃稅醜聞的時候,一個腐國漢子一氣之下就把他丟到ebay拍賣了。。。 寶貝狀態:「不是很好用,需要返廠」 在被官方撤掉之前Wireless Remote Control for Nikon P7000, D3000, D40, D40x, D50, D5000, D5200 ,D60, D70, D7000, D70s, D80. Troubleshooting steps as follows: Step 1: Please check if the battery places and inserts to the right side. (With the “+” symbol facing up) Step 2: P...
