Nikon D40 Review: Digital Photography Review 話說,很多學校由於沉重的學習壓力,學習氛圍都很壓抑,在這些學校里上課,很多學生都感覺不到快樂... 然而,同時也有另外一些學校 ,為了讓學生們有一個輕鬆的求學環境,一直在用創意設計改變着原本的嚴肅的學校... 一幫歪果網友最近就把自己學校做過的一些創意爆表的設計po了上Review based on a production Nikon D40 The Nikon D40 is an all new affordable, compact, point-and-shoot digital SLR from Nikon, it follows on from the D50 but at a significantly lower price point and with a subtly different feature set. The biggest news h...