nikon d7100 vs canon 60d

可換鏡頭數位相機綜合討論區 - 【中階DSLR之戰】Canon 70D VS. Nikon D7100 - 相機 - Mobile01Canon EOS 70D Nikon D7100 感光元件 APS-C APS-C 有效畫素 2020萬 2400萬 低通濾鏡 有 無 焦距轉換倍率 1.6x 1.5x 快門速度範圍 30s-1/8000s, B 30-1/8000s, B, T 對焦點數量 19 51 連拍速度 7fps 6fps(裁切模式7fps) 感光度範圍 100-25600 100-25600 錄影規格...


Canon 60D vs Nikon D7100 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - SnapsortSnapsort compares the Canon 60D vs the Nikon D7100 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: overall image quality, dynamic range, color depth, HDR and screen ......


Canon 70D vs Nikon D7100 - YouTube小鬍人魚 鬍美人 鬍中奇緣 鬍子與野獸 迷失帝國:亞特鬍提斯 鬍麗絲夢遊仙境 鬍拉丁 鬍女與青蛙 更多的鬍女與青蛙 灰鬍娘 鬍子王 鬍木蘭Canon 70D vs Nikon D7100. A comparison of the Canon EOS 70 vs the Nikon D7100 looking at specs including megapixels, ISO Range, touch screen, continuous shooting, Full 1080p HD video, Wireless transfer and price. Superseding the Canon D60 the Canon D70 is...


Nikon D7100 vs Canon 70D - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource Welcome to 羅馬尼亞.Looking for a Nikon D7100 vs Canon 70D comparison? The D7100 starts up faster and has a headphone jack. Find out where the 70D wins! ... If you're in the market for a higher-end (but still affordable) DSLR, the Canon 70D and the Nikon D7100 are two of the...
