獨特手染彷舊設計 F.I.L. Indigo Camping Trailer SKAGWAY HI
"err" message on the display, the answer is not clear - Nikon D80 - iFixit 潮流品牌 visvim、特別企畫 F.I.L. Indigo Camping Trailer,依舊在本周推出相當吸引人的限量商品、SKAGWAY HI DENIM 單寧鞋款,運用獨特的手染技術,在丹寧布料上重新染製,並達到彷舊的復古質感,值得收藏。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUUsually, on a Nikon D80 with an "err" message that won't go away, the Aperture Control Unit must be repaired or replaced. There is a small switch contact held on by a small plastic rivet in the Aperture Control Unit that tells the electronics module in th...