"err" message on the display, the answer is not clear - Nikon D80 - iFixit【台北訊】公視《滾石愛情故事》本週六(21日)將播出萬芳演唱的經典情歌〈新不了情〉單元,由楊謹華、明道主演。久未在台灣露面、近年演藝工作集中在中國大陸的明道,戲中,除了大露肌肉棒子身材,與楊謹華兩人一見鍾情、天雷勾動地火,還有令人臉紅的「車震」橋段。他劇中飾演一位因過失殺人而被關近二十年的更生人阿傑Usually, on a Nikon D80 with an "err" message that won't go away, the Aperture Control Unit must be repaired or replaced. There is a small switch contact held on by a small plastic rivet in the Aperture Control Unit that tells the electronics module in th...