"err" message on the display, the answer is not clear - Nikon D80 - iFixit ▲這名男子和不同的女人訂婚。(source:ndtv,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 隨著臉書的普及,大家越來越習慣臉書的按讚功能。大家不得不承認,有時候我們按給朋友一個讚,其實根本就沒有仔細看裡面的內容,其實只是習慣性滑過去,然後點一個讚而已。 根據ndtv報導,有一名叫做Zach的Usually, on a Nikon D80 with an "err" message that won't go away, the Aperture Control Unit must be repaired or replaced. There is a small switch contact held on by a small plastic rivet in the Aperture Control Unit that tells the electronics module in th...