D80出現ERR,無法做任何設定與對焦... (第1頁) - Nikon單眼相機 - Mobile01 原來飛屎不可是這麼來的!(大誤)兩歲多的D80(快門數不到三萬)今天開機突然出現ERR訊息 按任何按鈕都無法設定 也不會AF 可以釋... ... 小弟也有發生一樣的情形過 當然還相當慌張...(其實是心中小惡魔在欣悅中) 可是當時做了一個動作後就好了...
全文閱讀D80出現ERR,無法做任何設定與對焦... (第1頁) - Nikon單眼相機 - Mobile01 原來飛屎不可是這麼來的!(大誤)兩歲多的D80(快門數不到三萬)今天開機突然出現ERR訊息 按任何按鈕都無法設定 也不會AF 可以釋... ... 小弟也有發生一樣的情形過 當然還相當慌張...(其實是心中小惡魔在欣悅中) 可是當時做了一個動作後就好了...
全文閱讀Nikon D80 Performance - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur幾個海龜湯(情境猜謎)的經典題目。這些問題在網路上已流傳好一陣子,震撼程度卻依然如舊。不管合不合邏輯,這些答案確實讓人不禁毛骨悚然。第二題更是經典中的經典,是各大校園的迎新時夜遊等活動的必備考題。放泥就可在此收集成冊,替各系學會省下一點籌畫時間(誤)。1. 企鵝肉2. 水草3. 跳火車4. 葬禮的故Nikon D80. enlarge I bought mine here. Also see here (body only, about $999), here or here (with 18 - 55mm lens, about $1,099) or here or here (with new 18 - 135 mm lens, about $1,299). Of course "body only" means complete with a box full of standard acce...
全文閱讀Nikon D80 error message and shutter problem - Photo.net Nikon Forum在我們這個年代,有誰沒看過七龍珠嗎??? 七龍珠的cosply,最後一個是怎麼回事...... Own or interested in a Nikon camera? Browse the Photo.net forums and connect with other Nikon owners. ... It's unlikely to get any better, and will probably fail completely eventually if the source of the ERR warnings is not diagnosed. If you send it dire...
全文閱讀How to fix blinking "Err" error on new Nikon DSLR cameras這方法是很強啦...只是....做了以後不會因為太怪被排擠嗎.... Hi Nasim, I had a brand new D7100 for about 4 weeks with a Nikon 18-105 lens. After some hundreds of photos, I detached the 18-105 lens and I felt on the Err case. Without knowing what’s happen, I have tried to switch on – off, but the camera did not resp...
全文閱讀Nikon DSLR Repair - iFixit 有理…教練為什麼你自己新增選項?Repair guides and support for Digital SLR cameras by Nikon from the high-end professional range to the entry level consumer cameras. Nikon DSLR troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals ... View Edit History Camera Nikon DSLR Nikon DSLR Repair Repair ....
全文閱讀Nikon Camera Repair - iFixit加了LINE之後一直沒勇氣傳訊息給她,直到昨天… 對不起...我先承認我就是我朋友Repair guides for many Nikon SLR and point-and-shoot cameras. Nikon Camera troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals ... View Edit History Camera Nikon Nikon Camera Repair Repair guides for many Nikon SLR and point-and-shoot cameras. Create a Guide...
全文閱讀兩歲多的D80(快門數不到三萬)今天開機突然出現ERR訊息 按任何按鈕都無法設定 也不會AF 可以釋... ... 小弟也有發生一樣的情形過 當然還相當慌張...(其實是心中小惡魔在欣悅中) 可是當時做了一個動作後就好了...
全文閱讀Nikon D80. enlarge I bought mine here. Also see here (body only, about $999), here or here (with 18 - 55mm lens, about $1,099) or here or here (with new 18 - 135 mm lens, about $1,299). Of course "body only" means complete with a box full of standard acce...
全文閱讀Own or interested in a Nikon camera? Browse the Photo.net forums and connect with other Nikon owners. ... It's unlikely to get any better, and will probably fail completely eventually if the source of the ERR warnings is not diagnosed. If you send it dire...
全文閱讀Hi Nasim, I had a brand new D7100 for about 4 weeks with a Nikon 18-105 lens. After some hundreds of photos, I detached the 18-105 lens and I felt on the Err case. Without knowing what’s happen, I have tried to switch on – off, but the camera did not resp...
全文閱讀Repair guides and support for Digital SLR cameras by Nikon from the high-end professional range to the entry level consumer cameras. Nikon DSLR troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals ... View Edit History Camera Nikon DSLR Nikon DSLR Repair Repair ....
全文閱讀Repair guides for many Nikon SLR and point-and-shoot cameras. Nikon Camera troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals ... View Edit History Camera Nikon Nikon Camera Repair Repair guides for many Nikon SLR and point-and-shoot cameras. Create a Guide...
全文閱讀Nikon D90 Reviews & Sample Images (last updated: 26 December'12), User Manual Download, Guides, Features & Specifications ... Features Nikon D90 Press Release Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 27 August 2008 – Nikon Europe today announces another great ......
全文閱讀@ujjal dey My D90 did the same, or similar thing a few days ago. It’s the first time I’ve seen it. It read Err and nothing worked until I took the battery out of it and put it back in. Once I did, it was fine and has not done it since. Do you, or anyone e...
全文閱讀I purchased a D70 from a local (US) camera shop in 2004. While on a trip we had an accident and the D70 was damaged. On return, I had the local shop return the camera to Nikon for repair. They did repair the unit and in doing so they replaced the base. He...
全文閱讀need ur advise pls, im a newbie w/ my nikon d90. why does when i half press my shutter, an Err appears and when a full shutter was release, my subject does not register with my SD card? I had already cleanup my lens and cpu contacts. Further, as ......
全文閱讀【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
▲男人買棒棒糖,賣糖的居然直接塞進嘴裡吃。吐出來後,路人驚呼「這是什麼巫術」!(source:鏡頭詮釋世界,以下同) 哈囉大家好~我是FUFU編!今天要和大家介紹的是一個在路邊擺攤的老伯伯,他看起來像是在賣棒棒糖,但其實是在表演「吃棒棒糖」!? 根據鏡頭詮釋世界的報導,一
少女時代即踏上演藝之路,從《超人再起》的Lois、《決戰21點》的高材生,到《我想念我自己》裡影后Julianne Moore的大女兒;經過超級商業大片洗禮,爾後又潛沉於獨立製片的Kate Bosworth,彷彿早已看透那些流轉於世間的華美與衰敗。跟著BAZAAR Taiwan的鏡頭,重新認識這位不
話說在歐洲各地,散落着各種各樣的城堡。這些城堡有的華麗,有的古舊,每一座都記錄歷史的痕跡... 據統計,僅僅在法國,各種大大小小的城堡就有一萬多座,看着這些城堡,就好像看到了從中世紀到現代法國發展的經過。 這些城堡都剛開始的時候修建城堡是為了防禦,到後來,才成為滿足貴族
這傢伙論壇逛多了吧······· ······ 有木有!!已養成習慣啦!!哈哈!
網戀什麼的再也不相信了◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣
從小女孩到大女孩都擁有死忠粉絲的芭比,生來就是一個夢幻~不論是五官還有身材,都是女孩兒們心目中的夢幻比例,但是當芭比引以為傲的超現實好身材被打回現實時,是否會讓妳幻想破滅呢?藝術家Nicholay Lamm設計了一款"身材比例好誠實"版的芭比娃娃,是依照19歲美國女生的身材比例重新將芭比的身形調整
原本看起來可口美味的爆漿餡餅,多了眼睛看起來像反胃嘔吐的樣子...... 插座多了雙眼睛,看起來吃驚又可愛呢~~~ 加上眼睛後看起來有點像......沒牙齒的可愛老爺爺?!這也讓人想起之前很火紅的惡搞動畫「惱人的橘子」!!!大家可以再去回味一下喲~~~ 懷孕的圓滾滾肚皮也被惡搞一下,再配上兩顆圓又