Nikon D800 vs D800E - Photography Life假日的時候,我和我的男朋友恐龍穿梭在熱鬧的東區。喜歡觀察人群的我,發現熙來攘往的人群中,有許多情侶,都是男友一肩挑起兩個包包。在路中央,我突然扯住恐龍的手:「你願不願意幫我背包包,分擔我的沈重?」 「妳不舒服啊?是不是天氣太熱了?」恐龍摸摸我的額頭,我搖頭。「那麼,一定是妳東西背太多,肩膀痠痛囉?」I would definitively get a D4 for sports, I’m sure you will see a lot of sports shooters using this because of the speed and sensitivity. You can’t directly compare quality like just saying one is better than the other, one is high mp and one is high iso ...