動漫史上最透明的洗澡水!《路人女主》第 8 話聖人惠洗澡「超吸睛」但網友的焦點卻不是在她美麗的身材上
Nikon D800 vs D800E - Photography Life嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐☆=(ゝω・)/ 相信大家都有看過動漫中,為了秀福利的劇情需要(?)的洗澡畫面。如果是沖澡,一定會有泡泡、水氣等等來遮重點部位,而如果是泡澡則會有毛巾、還有混濁的泡湯水來遮住不該露的地方。就像是靜香洗澡水就超綠的XD (source:ACG狗屋、ニュースあれこれ)See this Nikon D800 vs D800E article for detailed information on both cameras, including the discussion on Moire that you can potentially see on the D800E model. ... I would definitively get a D4 for sports, I’m sure you will see a lot of sports shooters ...