Nikon F3 - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur 據美國媒體報導,俄羅斯發生了一起震驚全國的詭異事件——一名被視為擁有超高智商的天才男子竟在家中藏有26具女屍,其中一些甚至被他“打扮”成洋娃娃和泰迪熊的模樣。 這名男子名叫阿納托利·莫斯克維納(Anatoly MoskvinaGreat for: Inexpensive, tough professional manual-focus, auto- and manual-exposure Nikon for use with manual and most AF lenses. Great for long automatic night exposures many minutes long. The F3 works with many bizarre finders and focus screens, if you'e...