搞怪麥莉性感登上Vogue 德國 2014 三月號
Nikon CoolPix P5100 review - Digital Camera - Trusted Reviews 相當受到爭議的麥莉 Miley Cyrus,以崩壞之姿成功將生是推向高峰,雖然評價兩極,但也在更多媒體上得到曝光的機會,這回受邀替時尚雜誌Vogue 德國 2014 三月號拍攝封面,並請來知名時尚攝影師 Mario Testino 操刀,展現麥莉性感的一面. 【本文出處,更多精Nikon CoolPix P5100 Digital Camera review: Nikon adds an extra two megapixels to its enthusiast’s compact. ... Back in May last year I reviewed the 10-megapixel Nikon CoolPix P5000, which at the time was the flagship of a new series of high-spec compacts ...