Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors FAQ/Walkthrough for DS by EvilNcr - GameFAQs故事前情提要:一對情侶去love hotel開房,雙方都說是第一次,可是在女主洗澡的時候男主打開電視在電視上看到了女主演的謎片!!於是故事開始了...女主真的說的好有道理啊我竟無言以對…在整個故事中我被反覆洗腦…順便這個劇叫love hotel每個故事都很反轉女主發現男主For Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors on the DS, FAQ/Walkthrough by EvilNcr. ... 5.) Walkthrough This is the main portion of this guide. This game has 6 distinct endings. 3 bad endings, a dummy one that's not worth doing because it ends abruptly, a nor...