這家電視台收視率太低,美女主播「解放東西半球」後觀眾都「站起來了」! 4 居然還有「上空黑寡婦」濕密
Kitsune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲這家電視台收視率太低,美女真空上陣播報新聞後收視率暴增! 哈囉大家好~我是FUFU編!今天要和大家介紹的是美國的一家小電視台為了博取收視率居然要求主播不穿胸罩露出東西半球上陣。根據頭條號主寵愛之家的報導,一般來說電視台的主持人或是新聞播報員都需要穿著相當正式,當美國的小電視台居然反Japanese fox myths had its origins in Chinese mythology Chinese folk tales tell of fox spirits called huli jing that may have up to nine tails (Kyūbi no Kitsune in Japanese). Many of the earliest surviving stories are recorded in the Konjaku Monogatari, a...